ENTSOG TYNDP 2017 - Annex A2 - Project Details

Current TYNDP : TYNDP 2017 - Annex A

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Bidirectional Austrian-Czech Interconnector (BACI, formerly LBL project)

TRA-N-021 Update Date


Pipeline including CS

Non-FID Advanced


The Bidirectional Austrian Czech Interconnection (BACI) will be a new infrastructure directly connecting the Austrian and Czech market. It will be FRQQHFWHG WR WKH H[LVWLQJ &]HFK WUDQVPLVVLRQ V\VWHP YLD &6 %ĝHFODY 1(7 *$6 V U R DQG WR WKH $XVWULDQ WUDQVPLVVLRQ V\VWHP YLD %DXPJDUWHQ *$6 CONNECT AUSTRIA GmbH). The project BACI will enable capacity transmission for the first time between these two EU member states and it will facilitate better market integration between Austria and the Czech Republic. The project BACI will also increase the overall flexibility of the Czech, Austrian and also Polish system by diversification of gas supply routes and by connecting UGSs in the Czech Republic and Austria.


Regulatory Decisions and similar material conditions Capacity Increments Variant For Modelling Point


Year 2020

From Gas System To Gas System Capacity

201.4 GWh/d

Gas Connect Austria GmbH



Comment: New bidirectional IP connceting the Czech and the Austrian Virtual Trading Point . Maximum capacity will be between 750,000Nmࢗ h and 1,480,000Nmࢗ h; conversion from Nmࢗ h to kwh/h with a GCV of 11.19. Gas Connect Austria GmbH 2020 CZ AT Comment: New bidirectional IP connceting the Czech and the Austrian Virtual Trading Point . Maximum capacity will be between 750,000Nmࢗ h and 1,480,000Nmࢗ h; conversion from Nmࢗ h to kwh/h with a GCV of 11.19.


201.4 GWh/d

Sponsors Pipeline on Austrian territory GAS CONNECT AUSTRIA GmbH Pipeline on Czech territory NET4GAS, s.r.o

General Information

GAS CONNECT AUSTRIA GmbH Gas Connect Austria GmbH




Host Country

Austria Planned



Website Publication Approval Status


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