MARCOGAZ Activity Report 2012-2013


This issue was a direct reflection of the position recently adopted by eight European Companies in the energy sector, at GDF SUEZ’s initiative. All the Companies want to draw EU leaders’ attention to the gravity of the situation (increasing scarcity of investments, etc.), and to the difficulties encountered by the European energy sector (lack of visibility on energy policies, uncertainty regarding regulations, etc.).

World Gas Conference 2012 (IGU) Kuala Lumpur

Duringthe2009-2012triennium,theMARCOGAZSecretariat was involved in the activities of WOC 3 (Transmission), WOC 4 (Distribution) and WOC 5 (Utilisations).

In Kuala Lumpur, the Secretary General:

- chaired an Interactive Showcase session on pipeline integrity - gave a presentation on smart metering - co-chaired with J. Schweitzer (DGC) a workshop on gas quality.

(photo: Jérôme Ferrier, Chairman of the IGU, TOTAL, during his opening address)

We invite you to visit www.egatec.2013 , in order to view the event presentations and photos.

MARCOGAZ also participated in the annual IGU Council meetings.

Next events

In order to bring the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) work done in Europe by MARCOGAZ at international level, MARCOGAZ suggested IGU to create a Life Cycle Assessment group. This was accepted and a Study Group has been created within the Programme Committee Sustainability (PGC A) with the aim to produce a 1 st IGU LCA to be presented during the next World Gas Conference in Paris in June 2015.

The European Forum Gas 2014 will be hosted by the Czech Gas Association and will take place in Prague on 5 th and 6 th June 2014. Following the success of the first two editions, EGATEC 2015 is to take place in Vienna on 25 th and 26 th November 2015 and will be organised by ÖVGW.


MARCOGAZ Activity Report 2012 - 2013

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