GRIP CEE 2017 / Main Report
List of Figures
2 INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS IN THE CEE REGION 2.1 Investment projects included in the CEE GRIP 2017 by type and implementation status 17 3 ASSESSMENT – INFRASTRUCTURE RESILIENCE IN THE CEE REGION 3.1 Infrastructure Levels (Source: TYNDP 2017) 33 3.2 Evolution of Disrupted Rate (DR) and Remaining Flexibility (RF), Normal situation, Peak Day (DC), Blue Transition 34 3.3 Evolution of Disrupted Rate (DR) and Remaining Flexibility (RF), Normal situation, Peak Day (DC), Green Evolution 35 3.4 Evolution of Disrupted Rate (DR) and Remaining Flexibility (RF), Route gas disruption via Ukraine + Belarus, Peak Day (DC), Blue Transition 36 3.5 Evolution of Disrupted Rate (DR) and Remaining Flexibility (RF), Route gas disruption via Ukraine + Belarus, Peak Day (DC), Green Evolution 37 3.6 Evolution of Disrupted Rate (DR) and Remaining Flexibility (RF), Russian gas source disruption, Peak Day (DC), Blue Transition 38 3.7 Evolution of Disrupted Rate (DR) and Remaining Flexibility (RF), Russian gas source disruption, Peak Day (DC), Green Evolution 39 4 CEE GRIP REGIONAL N-1 ANALYSIS 4.1 CEE Region N-1: AT 42 4.2 CEE Region N-1: BG 43 4.3 CEE Region N-1: HR 44 4.4 CEE Region N-1: CZ 45 4.5 CEE Region N-1: HU 46 4.6 CEE Region N-1: PL 47 4.7 CEE Region N-1: RO 48 4.8 CEE Region N-1: SK 49 4.9 CEE Region N-1: SI 50 4.10 Direction of gas flow considered at each interconnection point under disruption via Ukraine 55 4.11 Direction of gas flow considered at interconnection points at Polish borders under a disruption via Belarus 57
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Central Eastern Europe GRIP 2017
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