GRIP CEE 2017 / Main Report
As a special part of this report, a whole chapter tackles the future potential and challenges of natural gas as a perspective fuel. Economic growth is associated with increased transportation demands. However, due to urbanisation tendencies, metropolitan cities often suffer from vehicular overcrowding and from the resulting harmful pollutants produced by commercial diesel vehicles, especially when used in a stop-and-go mode. Lately, emissions legislation has become more and more demanding and stringent, which is mainly the reason why natural gas is gaining more interest as a transportation fuel. The future expected increase in the usage of natural gas in the transportation sector, as low-emission GHG fuel alternative, encourages the TSOs to facilitate the transmission of NG volumes used in transpor- tation, to further foster extended gas supply in the CEE region, and to make anoth- er step towards reaching the EU climate targets in an efficient way. The CEE GRIP TSOs hope that you have found this report useful and informative and would like to warmly encourage all interested stakeholders to participate in the upcoming consultation and dedicated workshop which will be announced soon.
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Central Eastern Europe GRIP 2017
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