GRIP CEE 2017 / Main Report

TSOs and other project promoters submitted a total of 111 investment projects within the geographical coverage area of the CEE GRIP 2017 in the TYNDP 2017. These projects are planned to be commissioned in the upcoming decade and include projects that have not been used in any assessment due to absence of their mirror projects (= follow-up projects).

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Transmission Projects – FID Transmission Projects – non-FID LNG Projects – FID LNG Projects – non-FID UGS Projects – FID UGS Projects – non-FID

No. of Projects


Figure 2.1: Investment projects included in the CEE GRIP 2017 by type and implementation status

The following tables present the main information on the projects within the geo- graphical coverage area of the CEE GRIP 2017. The third editions of the Gas Region- al Investment Plans shall be based on the data used in the TYNDP 2017. Therefore, the tables are based on the information submitted in the TYNDP 2017  1) , but they have been extended by updated project commissioning dates which reflect the sit- uation as of January 2017. For the sake of clarity, the presented updates have no impact on the assessments and analysis provided in the following chapters in this report. More detailed data concerning these projects is available in the CEE GRIP Annex A – Infrastructure projects. This annex represents an extract from the TYNDP 2017 Annex A.

 1) The TYNDP 2017 reflects the project status as of May 2016

Central Eastern Europe GRIP 2017 |


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