GRIP CEE 2017 / Main Report

The Gas Regional Investment Plans (GRIPs) are being preparing as requirements to promote regional coopera- tion, which is enshrined in EU Directive 2009/73/EC, Article 7 and further detailed by REG 715/2009, Article 12. This report represents the third edition of the Gas Regional Investment Plan for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE GRIP) and provides a specific regional view of supply, demand, and capacity developments in the CEE region for the upcoming decade (2017–2026). The aim of this report is to support and add to the previously published EU-wide Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2017  1) (TYNDP 2017) prepared by the Euro- pean Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG). The goal is to provide additional information focusing on the CEE region and to emphasise the regional gas infrastructure outlook by assessing the basis for identification of poten- tial future gas infrastructure needs in the region. This CEE GRIP edition is the first one which is fully based on a harmonised data set, as was used for developing the TYNDP 2017, which ensures consistency between these two reports. Due to the fact that the CEE GRIP is published after the TYNDP 2017, where the project status re- flects the situation as of May 2016, the contributing transmission system operators (TSOs) in the CEE GRIP took the opportunity to present the updated commissioning years of the infrastructure projects planned in this region. If any modifications to the source data from the TYNDP 2017 were used in this report, they are clearly explained in the text of specific chapters and annexes. The difference between the TYNDP 2017 and the CEE GRIP is also in the time period analysed. While the TYNDP 2017 looks 20 years ahead due to REG 347/2013 and the ESW-CBA methodology currently in force (approved by the European Commission in February 2015), the CEE GRIP focuses on a 10-year timeline to provide more precise information about the near future. Beyond the TYNDP 2017, the CEE GRIP provides an additional overview of broader gas market dynamics by looking at aspects linked to supply scenarios, market inte- gration, and the security of supply (SoS) on the regional level. The key analysed areas which formed the main focus of this report are: \\ The future development of gas transmission infrastructure in the CEE region \\ Specific simulations of network modelling to assess market integration and SoS \\ The development of a regional approach to SoS demand and supply scenarios \\ CEE GRIP Regional N-1 analysis up to a 10-year time frame \\ A detailed focus on the potential of natural gas in the transportation sector The general methodological approach used in the CEE GRIP is based on the one used in the TYNDP 2017. For analyses and results carried out beyond the focus of the TYNDP 2017, the description of the specific methodology used is detailed in the respective chapters concerned. The status and all data used in the report reflect the best information available at the moment of collection. Through the present docu- ment, the CEE TSOs support the exchange of valuable information and analysis for all implied actors and assist the market in assessing gas infrastructure needs in the CEE region.

 1) The EU-wide Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2017 is available under the following link:

Central Eastern Europe GRIP 2017 |


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