ENTSOG Tariff NC - Implementation Document 2nd Edition

Reserve Prices for Bundled Capacity Products



Responsibility: the agreement of TSOs regarding the split of auction premium from bundled capacity sales is subject to the approval of NRA(s)

Concept of bundled capacity and bundled reserve price

According to the Amended CAM NC, bundled capacity describes a standard capacity product offered on a firm basis, which consists of corresponding entry and exit capacity at both sides of every IP. Bundled capacity puts together or ‘bundles’ the two standard capacity products of the same duration at either side of an IP. Figure 25 shows the concept of bundled capacity: \\ Each product offered includes the same amount of capacity on both sides of the IP; \\ Capacities are contracted through a single allocation procedure via a booking platform; \\ Capacities are allocated to the same network user on both sides of the IP  1) ; \\ The network user nevertheless signs two contracts, one with each TSO.

entry-exit system 1

entry-exit system 2



NU 1

NU 1

BU CAP 100 units

Exit CAP (component of BU CAP) 100 units

Entry CAP (component of BU CAP) 100 units

Figure 25: The concept of bundled capacity

 1) See Annex O for further information.

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