ENTSOG Tariff NC - Implementation Document 2nd Edition


The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (‘ENTSOG’)   1) has developed this Implementation Document (‘TAR IDoc’) for the Network Code on harmonised transmission tariff structures for gas (‘TAR NC’). The TAR IDoc is non-binding, prepared for information and illustrative purposes, and offers a set of examples and possible solutions for implementing the TAR NC. The examples used in the TAR IDoc for any given Member State (‘MS’) reflect the situation as of the date of this TAR IDoc publication, and may change in the future as an outcome of the national consultation processes foreseen in the TAR NC. This TAR IDoc is the second edition which has been prepared taking account of the feedback from stakeholders, including through ACER, on the first edition of 22 March 2017. The second edition overrides the first edition. The TAR NC applies directly in all MSs. For the avoidance of doubt, the TAR IDoc is not part of the TAR NC; ENTSOG provides the TAR IDoc for information purposes only, without accepting any legal responsibility for its content, which does not give rise to any rights or obligations whatsoever. If in any respect the TAR IDoc is not consistent with the TAR NC, then the TAR NC prevails. ENTSOG has shared the draft TAR IDoc with the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (‘ACER’) and national regulatory authorities (‘NRA’) , has engaged in discussions, and considered feedback. The experts providing feedback to this document in no way commit their institutions. The feedback received from ACER and NRAs experts has been largely taken on board. ACER and NRAs experts providing feedback to this document in no way commit their institutions, and the document was not subject to their approval or endorsement. The European Commission (‘EC’) was informed of the preparation of the TAR IDoc.

 1) See ENTSOG’s website: www.entsog.eu/members . As of September 2017, ENTSOG comprises 45 TSO Members and 2 Associated Partners from 26 European countries, and also has 5 Observers from EU affiliate countries: FYROM, Moldova, Norway, Switzerland and Ukraine.

TAR NC Implementation Document – Second Edition September 2017 | 9

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