ENTSOG Tariff NC - Implementation Document 2nd Edition

Januar April – July – J Octobe Januar April – July – J Octobe

January – December April – March July – June October – September

TSO applies seasonal factors TSO does not apply seasonal factors TSO will apply seasonal factors in the future

TSO applies seasonal factors TSO does not apply seasonal factors TSO will apply seasonal factors in the future TSO applies seasonal factors TSO does not apply seasonal factors TSO will apply seasonal factors in the future

Figure 23: MSs where TSO applies seasonal factors 1)

Seasonal factors methodology based on gas flows or contracted capac ty

Article 15(2) stipulates that the methodology for calculating seasonal factors must consider forecasted gas flows, unless the gas flow for at least one month is 0. In such a case, the methodology should be based on contracted capacity. Seasonal factors are corrective factors based on a multiplicative formula applied on flows. It is logical to apply higher factors when demand is high, because that is when the network capacity is most used.  1)

 1) In Germany, which is a multi-TSO country, only Fluxys TENP apply seasonal factors.

TAR NC Implementation Document – Second Edition September 2017 | 83

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