ENTSOG Tariff NC - Implementation Document 2nd Edition



Responsibility: subject to consultation per Article 26(1) by TSO/NRA, as NRA decides; subject to decision by NRA

General As explained above, the TAR NC explicitly lists a limited number of ‘adjustments’ to the application of RPM: benchmarking, equalisation, rescaling and adjustments at entry-points-from/exit-points-to storage facilities, at entry-points-from LNG facilities, or at entry-points-from/exit-points-to infrastructure ending the isolation of MSs. ENTSOG received stakeholder feedback requesting to outline that benchmarking and rescaling are assumed to be and must be specified as ex-post adjustments. ENTSOG agrees with this feedback. All the adjustments listed in Article 6(4) are in- deed the ex-post ‘adjustments to’ the applied RPM as foreseen in the TAR NC. The list of four adjustments included in the TAR NC does not prevent the use of various steps in constructing the proposed RPM. Regardless of the proposed RPM and its steps, the key procedural requirements entail periodic consultation, comparison against CWD, and NRA approval. Figure 14 represents the different adjustments in use or envisaged to be used by the EU TSOs as of September 2017.


Equalisation No information, not specified



Equalisation + Rescaling

No adjustment

Figure 14: Current adjustments applied by European TSOs

TAR NC Implementation Document – Second Edition September 2017 | 57

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