ENTSOG Tariff NC - Implementation Document 2nd Edition

GENERAL – APPLICATION OF THE TAR NC AT DIFFERENT POINTS ON TRANSMISSION NETWORK The scope of the TAR NC is not homogeneous, as it differs with respect to different types of points. Therefore, the scope of the TAR NC can be explained from two perspectives: which rule is concerned and which point on the transmission system is concerned. ‘ Which rule is concerned ’: Article 2(1) envisages applying all of the TAR NC rules by default to all the points on the transmission network. However, some of its rules have a ‘limited scope’ and apply only at IPs by default, which is the same scope as the CAM NC. So the TAR NC rules in fact split into ‘limited scope’ rules and ‘broader scope’ rules as shown in Figure 2. This Figure shows such a distinction from the perspective of which TAR NC rule is concerned.

Chapter I ‘General provisions’

Chapter II ‘Reference price methodologies’

Chapter IV ‘Reconciliation of revenue’

Apply to all entry and all exit points

Chapter VII ‘Consultation requirements’

TAR NC scope > CAM NC scope

(except for Art. 28 on discounts, multipliers and seasonal factors)

Chapter VIII ‘Publications requirements’

(where the standardised table includes non-IPs, Art. 31(2)-(3) also applies at such points)

Chapter X ‘Final provisions’

Chapter III ‘Reserve prices’

Chapter V ‘Pricing of bundled capacity and capacity at VIPs’

Chapter VI ‘Clearing and payable price’

Apply to IPs only by default

TAR NC scope = CAM NC scope

Chapter VII ‘Consultation requirements’

(only for Article 28 on discounts, multipliers and seasonal factors)

Chapter VIII ‘Publication requirements’

(Art. 31(2)-(3) applies at IPs by default)

Chapter IX ‘Incremental capacity’

Figure 2: Application of the TAR NC rules at different points on the transmission network

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TAR NC Implementation Document – Second Edition September 2017

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