ENTSOG Tariff NC - Implementation Document 2nd Edition
Table 39
Tariff table at exit points 208
Table 40
Input data for networks before the merger 214
Table 41
Postage stamp before the merger 215
Table 42
Distance table before the merger 216
Table 43
Tariff derivation before the merger 216
Table 44
Revenue derivation before the merger 217
Table 45
Input data after the merger (joint case) 218
Table 46
Tariffs after the merger (joint case) 219
Table 47
Distance matrix after the merger (joint case) 219
Table 48
CWD tariff derivation after the merger (joint case) 220
Table 49
Revenue table after the merger (joint case) 221
Table 50
Revenue reallocation after the merger (joint case) 221
Table 51
Input data after the merger (separate case) 222
Table 52
Tariffs after the merger (separate case) 223
Table 53
Distance matrices after the merger (separate case) 223
Table 54
CWD tariff derivation 224
Table 55
Revenue table after the merger (separate case) 225
Table 56
Revenue reallocation after the merger (separate case) 225
Table 57
Summary of tariffs in all configurations 225
Table 58
Network user 1 – fixed payable price 227
Table 59
Network user 2 – fixed payable price 227
Table 60
Network user 1 and 2 comparison – fixed payable price 227
Table 61
Network user 3 – floating payable price 229
Table 62
Network user 4 – floating payable price 229
Table 63
Forecasted contracted capacity and seasonal factor in example 231
Table 64
Calculation of tariffs and comparison of these in the example 232
Table 65
Sequence of steps taken to calculate the seasonal factors 239
Table 66
Parameters used to calculate the Pro factor 241
Table 67
Parameters used to calculate the ex-ante discount 242
Table 68
Parameters used to calculate the ex-post discount for a daily interruption 243
Table 69
Parameters used to calculate the ex-post discount for a within-day interruption 243
Table 70
Standardised section for TSO/NRA website 246
Table 71
Option 1 for the third column in the standardised section for TSO/NRA website 247 Option 2 for the third column in the standardised section for TSO/NRA website 247 Proposal for the format of data publication for an assessment of the probability of interruption 248
Table 72
Table 73
Table 74
Example 1 for classification of interruptible capacity products 248
Table 75
Example 2 for classification of interruptible capacity products 249
Table 76
Publication requirements summary 262
Table 77
ENTSOG’s TAR NC versions 263
TAR NC Implementation Document – Second Edition September 2017 | 269
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