ENTSOG Tariff NC - Implementation Document 2nd Edition
Chapter VIII ‘Publication requirements’
Scope: IPs and non-IPs Application date: 1 October 2017
This Chapter lists tariff publication requirements, their manner and timing: what, how and when. The entity responsible for publication is either the TSO or the NRA, as decided by the NRA. The ‘what’ covers two sets of information: \\ Information to be published before the annual yearly capacity auctions; and \\ Information to be published before the tariff period. The first set of information includes binding reserve prices for firm and interruptible capacity at IPs, with information concerning their calculation. The second set of information is more detailed, and includes the following: \\ Technical parameters used in the RPM; \\ Information on the allowed/target revenue of a TSO; \\ Transmission and non-transmission tariffs not published within the first set of information; \\ Information on tariff changes and trends; \\ At least a simplified model enabling an estimation of possible tariff evolution. As for the ‘when’ , the deadlines are the same for publication on the TSO/NRA websites and on the ENTSOG’s TP: at least 30 days before the annual yearly capacity auction/tariff period. Although the Chapter first applies on 1 October 2017, compliance with its requirements will take place later depending on the date of the auctions and on the start date of the tariff period for a specific TSO 1) . As for the ‘how’ , both sets of information are to be published on TSO/NRA websites, and ENTSOG’s TP must also provide a link to the websites. The information to be published on TSO/NRA website will follow the structure of the standardised section (see Annex P). In addition, certain information needs to be duplicated directly on the ENTSOG’s TP, in a standardised table (see Annex S) and only for IPs by default, including: \\ Firm and interruptible reserve prices; \\ Flow-based charge, if any; and \\ A simulation of all the costs for flowing 1GWh/day/year at a given IP.
1) Except for the case of early compliance – see Chapter VIII 'Publication requirements', Article 31 – publication notice period.
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TAR NC Implementation Document – Second Edition September 2017
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