ENTSOG Tariff NC - Implementation Document 2nd Edition

Chapter VII ‘Consultation requirements’

Scope: IPs and non-IPs (except for Article 28: IPs) Application date: entry into force (6 April 2017)

This Chapter is a core Chapter of the TAR NC since the rules in almost all the other Chapters refer to it. It details the scope of two consultations: 1. For the ‘periodic consultation’ done by the TSO/NRA at least every five years, the consultation scope includes: \\ The description of the proposed RPM and indicative reference prices as compared to the indicative reference prices calculated following the CWD coun- terfactual (Chapter II); \\ Storage, LNG and other discounts: at entry-points-from/exit-points-to-storage facilities, at entry-points-from LNG facilities and entry-points-from/exit-points-to infrastructure ending the isolation of gas transmission systems in certain MSs (Chapter II); \\ Some indicative information on the allowed/target revenue of a TSO (Chapter VIII); \\ Indicative information on commodity-based transmission tariffs and non-trans- mission tariffs (Chapter I); \\ Indicative information on tariff changes and trends (Chapter VIII); \\ Information on the fixed payable price approach under a price cap regime (Chapter VI). \\ There can be one or more consultations conducted on some/all enlisted components of the ‘periodic consultation’ – however, there must also be a final consultation on all the components, on which the NRA bases a decision. The NRA approval process includes the analysis of the final consultation document by ACER. ACER must publish its analysis and send it to the TSO/NRA and the EC. A deadline of 31 May 2019 applies to the consultation and approval pro- cesses, and to the calculation and publication of tariffs in accordance with the NRA decision. 31 May 2019 does not match the beginning or end of any TSO’s tariff period, so the ‘new’ tariffs will not apply from this date. The ‘old’ tariffs will apply until the end of each TSO’s prevailing tariff period. 2. For ‘every tariff period consultation’ undertaken by the NRA, the consultation scope includes: \\ Multipliers, seasonal factors and interruptible discounts (Chapter III); \\ Discounts at entry-points-from LNG facilities and entry-points-from/exit-points- to infrastructure ending the isolation of gas transmission systems in certain MSs (Chapter II).

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