ENTSOG Tariff NC - Implementation Document 2nd Edition


Ex-ante discount

Di ex-ante = 12.1%

Multiplier for monthly standard capacity product (no seasonal factor, i. e. S=1)

Mm = 1.5

Reference price

T = 1 €/(kWh/h)/year

Duration of the monthly standard capacity product expressed in gas days

D = 31

Table 67: Parameters used to calculate the ex-ante discount

EX-POST COMPENSATION Example: Calculation of ex-post compensation for interruption of daily and within- day standard capacity product for interruptible capacity. As set out in Article 16(4), the ex-post compensation must reimburse the network user three times the price of the daily standard capacity product for each day an interruption occurred. Three times the price of the daily standard capacity product is the same calculation used when calculating the ex-post compensation for interruption on yearly/month- ly/quarterly products, with the daily multiplier and seasonal factor used from the day the interruption occurred. The formula below is not set out in the TAR NC and is constructed per ENTSOG’s assumption that it could take account of the amount of interrupted capacity. This formula can be used for ex-post compensation for interruptions on daily/month- ly/quarterly/yearly products.

Example for a daily interruption

Ex-post compensation = 3 × (M × S × T/365) × (I × D)

Where: M

is the level of the multiplier corresponding to the daily standard firm capacity product; is the level of seasonal factor corresponding to the daily standard firm capacity product, if any;



is the reserve price for yearly firm capacity product;

D is the duration of interruption for the daily standard firm capacity product expressed in gas days; For leap years, the formula shall be adjusted so that the figure 365 is substituted with the figure 366; I is the amount of interrupted capacity.

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TAR NC Implementation Document – Second Edition September 2017

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