ENTSOG Tariff NC - Implementation Document 2nd Edition

Chapter I ‘General provisions’

Scope: IPs and non-IPs Application date: entry into force (6 April 2017)

Similar to all the previous NCs, Chapter I deals with subject matter, scope and defi- nitions. This Chapter also includes an overview of different TSO services and their respective tariffs, as well as an Article on cost allocation assessments (‘CAA’) . The subject matter of the TAR NC is ‘ harmonised transmission tariff structures for gas ’ as identified in Article 8(6) of the Gas Regulation. The scope of the TAR NC is not the same for all Chapters. Four out of ten Chapters apply only to IPs, while the rest apply to all entry and exit points. Chapters limited to IPs by default are: \\ Chapter III ‘Reserve prices’; \\ Chapter V ‘Pricing of bundled capacity and capacity at VIPs’; \\ Chapter VI ‘Clearing and payable price’; and \\ Chapter IX ‘Incremental capacity’. Some Chapters have a broad scope, but contain Articles limited to IPs by default: \\ Article 28 on NRA consultation on discounts, multipliers and seasonal factors in Chapter VII ‘Consultation requirements’; and \\ Article 31(2)-(3) on the publication of certain tariff information on the ENTSOG’s TP in Chapter VIII ‘Publication requirements’.

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