ENTSOG Tariff NC - Implementation Document 2nd Edition
Structure The TAR IDoc has four Parts:
\\ Executive summary: this Part includes the high-level overview of the TAR NC requirements Chapter-by-Chapter. Each Chapter starts by indicating its scope and application date (‘AD’) . \\ Part 1 ‘Overview of the TAR NC requirements’: this Part addresses ‘what’ the TAR NC contains, offering an overview of the TAR NC requirements Article-by- Article. Chapters within Part 1 of the TAR IDoc follow the structure of the TAR NC. The body of each Chapter follows the order of the TAR NC Articles. \\ Part 2 ‘Indicative timeline for the TAR NC implementation’: this Part deals with ‘when’, elaborating the indicative timeline for implementing the TAR NC, and identifying the parties responsible for complying with different obligations. Chapters within Part 2 of the TAR IDoc include: (1) a table summarising all the TAR NC obligations for the TSOs, NRAs, ENTSOG, ACER and the EC; (2) a gen- eral implementation timeline applicable for all MSs; and (3) different timelines depending on the tariff period applied in a given MS. \\ Annexes: this Part includes examples and calculations related to some substantive points described in Part 1. Next steps The 29 th Madrid Forum invited ENTSOG and ACER ‘ to support and monitor the implementation’ of the TAR NC ‘and report back to the Forum ’ 1) . Both editions of the TAR IDoc are part of ENTSOG’s response to this invitation. Also, shortly before the TAR NC entry into force, ENTSOG organised the First TAR NC Implementation Workshop on 29 March 2017 to inform the market about implementing the TAR NC. The video recordings of the presentations at that Workshop are made publicly available 2) , and the question-and-answer sessions are captured in the minutes 3) . We plan to hold the Second TAR NC Implementation Workshop on 5 October 2017, to inform the market about the progress with implementing the TAR NC. Similar to the First TAR NC Implementation Workshop, we have chosen this date for its proximity to the TAR NC’s second application date of 1 October 2017, offering stakeholders timely notice of the implementation challenges. ENTSOG will consider whether it is necessary to issue a third edition of the TAR IDoc. The decision will be taken based on the stakeholder feedback and internal discussions. Stakeholders will be informed accordingly.
1) See conclusions of the 29th Meeting of the European Gas Regulatory Forum of 6–7 October 2016: https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/29th_mf_conclusions_adopted.pdf 2) See the short videos for each agenda item: https://vimeo.com/album/4568600/ . The link is accessible in September 2017. 3) https://entsog.eu/public/uploads/files/publications/Tariffs/2017/TAR0811_040317_Minutes_TAR%20NC_Implementa- tion_WS_Final.pdf
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