ENTSOG Tariff NC - Implementation Document 2nd Edition
Purple box: The purple box represents the last AD of the TAR NC (‘AD 3’), 31 May 2019, for the following 3 Chapters: Chapter II ‘Reference price methodologies’, Chapter III ‘Reserve prices’ and Chapter IV ‘Reconciliation of revenue’. Orange and white boxes: The orange box is the deadline envisaged by the TAR NC as a result of the final periodic consultation. This is when the NRA needs to decide on all the issues identified in the final consultation document per Article 26(1) of the TAR NC, and must calculate and publish the tariffs in accordance with its decision. The NRA must send its decision to ACER and the EC. Figure 45 shows that the deadlines for NRA decisions under Article 27(4) and 28(1) are linked to the deadline of 31 May 2019. However, the NRA decision on RPM should be taken in a timely manner before 31 May 2019 to allow for the completion of tariff calculations by 31 May 2019. Figure 45 indicates that these actions are simultaneous, as they appear in the same box, but in practice the NRA must take a decision before the completion of tariff calculations. Similarly, although Figure 45 shows that the NRA decision on multipliers, seasonal factors and various discounts mentioned above, per ENTSOG’s assumption, takes place simultaneously with NRA decision under Article 27(4), it should occur well before 31 May 2019 to allow for the completion of tariff calculations by 31 May 2019. Blue box: The deadline for ACER to publish a report on the allowed/target revenue methodologies is calculated as two years as from the TAR NC’s entry into force, indicated by the blue box as 6 April 2019. Grey boxes: Similar to the grey boxes on the previous two timelines ‘Calendar year 2017 and 2018’, the four grey boxes on this timeline indicate the deadlines for pub- lishing the set of tariff information before the tariff period. In this year there will be ‘new’ tariffs following the ‘new’ RPM for the three tariff periods July–June, Octo- ber–September and January–December. The same rule applies for publishing tariff information on ENTSOG’s TP. Note that in Belgium the information per Article 30 will be published in December 2019 for the new four-year tariff period starting on 1 January 2020. Red box: This box indicates the date of the annual yearly capacity auctions per CAM NC. Yellow box: Similar to the timeline ‘Calendar year 2018’, the yellow box indicates the obligation to publish the set of tariff information before the annual yearly capacity auctions, on TSO/NRA website (Article 29 of the TAR NC). The box under the yellow box indicates which reserve prices are derived following the ‘old’ or ‘new’ RPM. The same rule for publication of tariff information on ENTSOG’s TP applies. In conjunction with the obligation to publish the new tariffs by 31 May 2019, one may question the necessity of such ‘double publication’ – once by 31 May 2019 and another time in June 2019 for auctions in July 2019. ENTSOG notes that there may be an overlap: in the situation where the reserve prices for the gas year of October 2019 to September 2020 will be based on the ‘new’ RPM, the obligation of publishing such reserve prices by 31 May 2019 will satisfy the obligation of publishing them in June 2019 – since the TAR NC allows for an earlier publication and June 2019 is only the deadline. However, by 31 May 2019 there is no obligation to publish these reserve prices in the standardised table on ENTSOG’s TP or to publish other information foreseen by Article 29, such as justification for multipliers and seasonal factors. Moreover, the obligation to publish the reserve prices in June 2019 also covers the case when the gas year is partially/fully covered by the reserve prices based on the ‘old’ RPM. Therefore, for the year 2019 the obligation in Article 27(4)- (5) may overlap to a certain extent with the obligation in Article 29 but does not fully substitute it. Green box: This box represents the TAR NC obligation for TSOs to submit to ENTSOG the information on their compliance with Chapters other than Chapter VIII ‘Publica- tion requirements’ by 31 December 2019 (Article 36(2)(b) of the TAR NC).
TAR NC Implementation Document – Second Edition September 2017 | 169
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