ENTSOG Tariff NC - Implementation Document 2nd Edition


(NRAs) Art. 21(3): Deadline to approve and – when an IP connects adjacent e/e systems of 2 MSs – send to ACER the TSOs’ agreement on attribution of the auction premium from bundled capacity sales Early Apr 2018 (= auctions date-3 months)

(FR) Art. 30: Publication of tariff information before tariff period (‘old tariffs’) Mar 2018

(PT) Art. 30: Publication of tariff information before tariff period (‘old tariffs’) Jun 2018

(DK, HU, IE, NIR, RO, SE, GB) Art. 30: Publication of tariff information before tariff period (‘old tariffs’) Sep 2018

(BG, CZ, DE, ES, FI, GR, HR, IT, LT, LU, NL, PL, SI) Art. 30: Publication of tariff information before tariff period (‘old tariffs’) Dec 2018














Annual yearly capacity auctions Jul 2018

(TSO/NRA) Art. 26(2): Deadline to finish final consultation Late Oct 2018 (NRA) Art. 28(1): Deadline to finish the consultation on M, SF, int. Di, LNG Di, ‘isolation’ Di Late Oct 2018

(ENTSOG) Art. 36(1)(a):Deadline to send information to ACER on compliance with Chapter VIII 31 Mar 2018

Art. 29: Publication of tariff information before annual yearly capacity

(TSO/NRA) Art. 26(3): Deadline to publish cons. responses and summary Late Nov 2018

auctions Jun 2018

(TSO/NRA) Art. 26(1), Art. 27(1): Estimated date of launching the final consultation and sending the consultation documents to ACER Late Aug 2018 (NRA) Art. 28(1): Estimated date of launching the consultation on M, SF, int. Di, LNG Di, ‘isolation’ Di Late Aug 2018

\\ Jan–Dec tariff period: ‘old’ tariffs (Oct ’18–Dec ’18), ‘old’ tariffs (Jan ’19–Sep ’19) \\ Apr–Mar tariff period: ‘old’ tariffs (Oct ’18–Mar ’19), ‘old’ tariffs (Apr ’19–Sep ’19) \\ Jul–Jun tariff period: ‘old’ tariffs (Oct ’18–Jun ’19), ‘old’ tariffs (Jul ’19–Sep ’19) \\ Oct–Sep tariff period: ‘old’ tariffs (Oct ’18–Sep ’19) \\ AT, BE, SK: ‘old’ tariffs (Oct ’18–Sep ’19)

(NRA) Deadline to publish cons. responses Late Nov 2018

(ACER) Art. 27(2)–(3): Deadline to analyse cons. document, and publish and send to TSO/NRA and the EC the results of analysis Late Dec 2018

Figure 47: General timeline for 2018

Orange and white boxes: The orange box above the timeline is linked to the TSO agreements on the attribution of the auction premium from bundled capacity sales, mentioned under ‘What needs to be done as from AD 1’ in ‘Calendar year 2017’ above. As the first auction after the AD 1 will take place in July 2018, as envisaged by the CAM NC, early April 2018 for NRA approval of such agreement would allow 3 months’ notice. This action is marked only once on the timeline, as it is assumed not to be an annual activity unless changes to such agreements require new NRA approvals and communication with ACER. When a given IP connects adjacent en- try-exit systems of two MSs, such agreements need to be sent by NRAs to ACER for information. As explained at the beginning of this Chapter, at least eight months are estimated as necessary for completion of the preparation of the final consultation document. The end of December 2017 indicated as the start date on the timeline ‘Calendar year 2017’ + eight months ends at the end of August 2018, which explains the estimat- ed date for launching the final consultation under Article 26(1) of the TAR NC.

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TAR NC Implementation Document – Second Edition September 2017

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