ENTSOG Tariff NC - Implementation Document 2nd Edition
(BG, CZ, DE, ES, FI, GR, HR, IT, LT, LU, NL, PL, SI) Art. 30: Publication of tariff infor- mation before tariff period (‘old’ tariffs) Dec 2017 (AT, BE, DK, FR, GB, HU, IE, NIR, PT, RO, SE, SK) Art. 30 (early compliance): Publication of revenue information for the prevailing tariff period on TSO/NRA website; publication of flow-based charge for the current tariff period on ENTSOG’s TP (+ TSO/NRA website) Dec 2017 (ALL) Art. 29 (early compliance): Publication of reserve prices for the prevailing gas year on ENTSOG’s TP (+ TSO/NRA website) Dec 2017
(TSOs) Art. 35(1): Deadline to send to NRAs safeguarded existing contracts or information on bookings 6 May 2017
(ACER) Art. 26: Deadline for template for consultation document for NRAs and TSOs 5 Jul 2017
Art. 38: APPLICATION DATE 1 6 Apr 2017
Art. 38: APPLICATION DATE 2 1 Oct 2017
(TSOs) Art. 36(2)(a): Deadline to send information to ENTSOG on compliance with Chapter VIII 31 Dec 2017 (TSO/NRA) Estimated deadline for the start of development of the final consultation document Late Dec 2017
Figure 46: General timeline for 2017
Purple boxes: The calendar year 2017 includes two out of the three ADs of the TAR NC, namely: (1) 6 April 2017 (entry into force date, ‘AD 1’) for Chapter I ‘Gen- eral provisions’, Chapter V ‘Pricing of bundled capaci- ty and capacity at VIPs’, Chapter VII ‘Consultation re- quirements’, Chapter IX ‘Incremental capacity’ and Chapter X ‘Final and transitional provisions’; and (2) 1 October 2017 (explicitly mentioned in the TAR NC, ‘AD 2’) for Chapter VI ‘Clearing and payable price’ and Chapter VIII ‘Publication requirements’. Orange box: Within 1 month as from AD 1, the TSOs are obliged to send to the NRA the existing contracts or information on capacity bookings eligible for grand- fathering under the TAR NC, which foresee no change of the level of capacity- and/or commodity-based transmission tariffs, except for indexation, if any (Article 35(3) of the TAR NC). Blue box: By 5 July 2017, ACER is obliged to make available to TSOs and NRAs a template for the consul- tation document per Article 26(1), after having consulted ENTSOG (Article 26(5) of the TAR NC).
Grey boxes: As explained in Part 1, Chapter VIII ‘Pub- lication requirements’, AD 2 for the TAR NC Chapter VIII ‘Publication requirements’ does not mean that the tariffs will be published at this date 1) . The first compli- ance with the obligation in the TAR NC Chapter VIII ‘Publication requirements’ will be for MSs with tariff period January-December, for publication of the set of information before the tariff period, on TSO/NRA web- site, as decided by the NRA (Article 30 of the TAR NC). Simultaneously, a link to such information will be provided on ENTSOG’s TP and also, the flow-based charge (if applied) and simulation of all the costs for flowing 1 GWh/day/year will be published directly on ENTSOG’s TP in a standardised table, for IPs only by default. Tariffs will be derived following the ‘old’ RPM as the requirement for the ‘new’ RPM is only applica- ble as of AD 3 of 31 May 2019.
1) See Part 1, Chapter VIII ‘Publication requirements’, ‘When to publish’, ‘Article 31 – Publication notice period’.
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