ENTSOG Tariff NC - Implementation Document 2nd Edition


Nature of this document

The disclaimer at the beginning of the TAR IDoc explains its nature and its aims.

The second edition This document is the second edition of the TAR IDoc prepared on the basis of its first edition of 22 March 2017. The first edition was open for feedback from stakeholders, including the feedback through ACER. All the responses received are available on ENTSOG’s website  1) . The second edition of the TAR IDoc has been put together based on the feedback received on the first edition, and on internal ENTSOG discussions. To ease the reading of this second edition of the TAR IDoc and to demonstrate ENTSOG’s consideration of the feedback received, ENTSOG includes the following: \\ Whenever an amendment to the TAR IDoc text originated from the stakeholder feedback, the second edition of the TAR IDoc makes a reference to such feed- back and explains ENTSOG’s consideration of it. Such amendments are shown with a special sign (  ) on the margins of the page. \\ ENTSOG has compiled and publishes the log of comments based on the stakeholder feedback. The log lists the comments in the order of the TAR IDoc pages. The green columns of the log show whether a given comment triggered a change to the TAR IDoc text as well as ENTSOG’s rationale for changing/not changing the first edition of the TAR IDoc. The log is available on ENTSOG’s website   2) . \\ ENTSOG also publishes the TAR IDoc version in track changes showing the amendments made to its first edition  3) . The version in track changes contains the comment boxes referencing the relevant comment in the log.

 1) See ‘TAR NC Implementation’ on ENTSOG’s website: https://entsog.eu/publications/tariffs#TAR-NC-IMPLEMENTATION .  2) Per above.  3) Per above.

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TAR NC Implementation Document – Second Edition September 2017

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