ENTSOG Tariff NC - Implementation Document 2nd Edition

Network user has interests in incremental capacity

Network user provides TSOs with non-binding capacity demand, including conditionality (volume, duration, location)

Network user receives the indications on project conditions and can interact

NRAs approve all necessary for binding phase

Demand Assessment Report

Yearly Auctions

Design Phase

Public Consultation

Project Finalisation

NRA decision

Publish Notice

Yearly Auctions

Min. 2 months

Max. 6 months

Month M

Month M

M+ 4

M+ 7

M+ 9

M+ 11 – M+ 15

M+ 16 – M+ 21

M+ 22

M+ 24

Non-Binding Phase

Binding Phase

TSOs decide to initiate or not the needed studies

Network user gets the capacity allocated

Figure 38: General description of incremental process

Annual auction of yearly capacity

Default allocation process: Users submit binding capacity requests through the CAM auction for each offer level.

TSO(s) publish demand assessment report 16 weeks after beginning of annual auction

TSOs submit project proposal to relevant

NRA approval within 6

Due date for non- binding indication 8 weeks after beginning of annual auction

months of the TSOs’ submission

NRAs for approval

Run economic test (and a potential bid revision process)

TSOs publish results

Design Phase: TSOs activities include: \\ Prepare and design project

Demand assessment (to determine whether there is sufficient demand [based on the criteria] to launch a project)

Run economic test

(planned offer levels, economic test parameters, etc.) \\ optional: conduct technical studies \\ identify what conditions if any to allow \\ determine whether an alternative capacity allocation mechanism is needed to the default allocation process, and design it TSOs run public consultation (min. 1, max. up to two months) \\ finalise project design after consultation \\ submit proposal for NRA approval

Alternative allocation process: For each offer level, users submit binding capacity requests through the alternative capacity allocation process and specify any conditions. TSOs process requests quickly to avoid overlap with any new cycle.

TSOs publish notice

at least 2 months before due date for binding capacity requests

Non-Binding Phase

Binding Phase

Ongoing co-ordination among TSOs and NRAs involved throughout the process

Figure 39: Detailed description of incremental process

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TAR NC Implementation Document – Second Edition September 2017

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