ENTSOG Tariff NC - Implementation Document 2nd Edition


ARTICLE 31(3)(C)

Responsibility: TSO/NRA sends information to ENTSOG’s TP, as NRA decides

The TAR NC requires the publication of information directly on ENTSOG’s TP in a standardised table. As outlined in Annex T, publication will occur at least twice per calendar year (before the tariff period and before the capacity auctions, except for the Portuguese case where both of such deadlines coincide due to the start of the tariff period in July) for each member state where the tariff period is equal to one year, except for the tariff period July-June, since in this case the publication of infor- mation before the tariff period and before the annual yearly capacity auction will oc- cur simultaneously. It is also possible to update the publication more often than twice per calendar year due to technical, regulatory or national reasons. As Table 15 shows, the standardised table must report the following information: reserve prices for standard capacity products, flow-based charges and a simulation of all the costs for flowing 1GWh/day/year for each IP. The TAR NC lists the minimum requirements for designing the standardised table. In general, the standardised table must include: the IP name, the gas flow direction and the relevant TSOs’ names. For reserve prices, the additional information in- cludes: whether the relevant product is firm or interruptible, whether its duration is yearly, quarterly, monthly, daily or within-day, the applicable tariff per kWh/h and per kWh/d in both local currency and the euro. The table must also indicate flow- based charges and simulation of all the costs for flowing 1GWh/day/year for each IP in local currency and the euro. The TAR NC contains appropriate caveats due to different capacity units and different currencies applied in the EU. The following information included in the standardised table is non-binding: (1) the applicable tariff per kWh/d (or per kWh/h) if the applied capacity unit is kWh/h (or kWh/d); and (2) the applicable tariff in euro and the simulation of all the costs in euro if the local currency is other than the euro. ENTSOG’s TP has been adjusted so that all the information could be submitted from the TSO/NRA to ENTSOG’s TP in a consistent way, to ensure a user-friendly visualisation in a comparable and easy accessible way for the stakeholders. The set of tariff information required by the TAR NC to be published on ENTSOG’s TP has been divided in two parts where each part includes the minimum requirements mentioned above  1) . \\ The first part ‘Tariff data’ shows the reserve prices for all products and the flow- based charges at a given IP. Although the TAR NC requests the start and end date of the respective products, another approach was chosen for the implementation. A validity period: (1) is given for each product type  2) ; (2) is defined as the longest duration of a given product type where the tariff for such product type is the same; and (3) must be no longer than a tariff period  3) . This approach reduces the number of rows in the standardised table significantly, as the product start- and end date is implicitly indicated by showing the product type. For example, for the validity approach only one line is displayed in the standardised table in the case of the same prices for daily products, instead of 365 lines.

 1) See Annex Y for demonstration of the standardised table on ENTSOG’s TP.  2) By ‘product type’ ENTSOG understands the following different product types: yearly as one type, quarterly as another type, and so on for monthly, daily and within-day.  3) Where the tariff period does not coincide with the gas year, there are two validity periods for a yearly product as the yearly product spans over two tariff periods.

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TAR NC Implementation Document – Second Edition September 2017

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