ENTSOG Tariff NC - Implementation Document 2nd Edition

Criteria for NRA consideration When adopting their decisions, the NRAs must consider the consultation responses received and the following factors: 1. For multipliers: – – The balance between facilitating short-term gas trade and providing long-term signals for efficient investment in the transmission system; – – The impact on the transmission services revenue and its recovery; – – The need to avoid cross-subsidisation between network users and to enhance the cost-reflectivity of reserve prices; – – Physical and contractual congestion; – – Effects on cross-border flows. 2. For seasonal factors: – – Facilitating the economic and efficient utilisation of the infrastructure; – – The need to improve the cost-reflectivity of reserve prices. Such aspects have been selected as relevant ones based on discussions with stakeholders within the TAR NC establishment process. ENTSOG has received feedback through ACER that the NRA may have other considerations to take into account when adopting a decision on multipliers and seasonal factors. ENTSOG recognises that the TAR NC sets out only the minimum EU-wide tariff rules and further details may be laid down at the national level which may also cover other considerations for the NRA decision-making.

TAR NC Implementation Document – Second Edition September 2017 | 125

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