ENTSOG Tariff NC - Implementation Document 2nd Edition

Other information The TAR NC foresees a number of measures to improve the transparency of the consultation process for both ‘intermediate’ and ‘final’ consultations: \\ Further to stakeholder feedback, ENTSOG notes that in order for the consulta- tion process to be most effective it is important for the consultation documents and the summary of the consultation responses to be provided in English. Cred- ible justification and reasoning will be needed to the extent this is not possible. \\ A possible requirement for any confidential consultation response to attach a non-confidential version suitable for publication; \\ ACER must develop a template for the consultation document and, after consultation with ENTSOG, make it available by 5 July 2017.


Responsibility: consultation on the draft template by ACER with ENTSOG

According to Article 26(5), ACER must develop a template for the consultation document referred to in Article 26(1). The template is available as of 5 July 2017, as the TAR NC foresees, on ACER’s website. ACER has consulted with ENTSOG on the draft consultation template, and ENTSOG’s response has been published on ENTSOG’s website  1) . ACER has published the final consultation template on ACER’s website  2) as on online tool for the national consul- tations per Article 26(1). Such online tool is a communication channel serving several purposes: \\ Checklist for the consultation requirements listed in Article 26(1); \\ Publication of the final consultation documents summary; \\ Tool for submission of the final consultation documents to ACER. The summaries mentioned above will be published on ACER’s website and they will provide to stakeholders a tool for reading across consultations in a systematic manner. The template allows the NRA/TSO providing relevant information on the consultation such as the foreseen calendar for its completion. This information is relevant for the coordination of the TAR NC implementation and can be submitted as of 5 July 2017. ENTSOG recommends the use of the online template to TSOs responsible for carrying out the consultation on the RPM. On its website, ACER recommends the use of the template to the NRA/TSO carrying out the consultation.

 1) Please see ENTSOG’s response to consultation template: https://entsog.eu/public/uploads/files/publications/Tar- iffs/2017/TAR0832_170517_Consultation%20Template%20Response_Final.pdf and Attachment 1 with detailed comments: https://entsog.eu/public/uploads/files/publications/Tariffs/2017/TAR0832_170517_Attachment-1_Consulta- tion%20Template%20Response_Final.pdf  2) Please refer to: http://www.acer.europa.eu/Official_documents/Public_consultations/Pages/ACER-Consultation- Template.-Tariff-NC-Article-26(5).aspx

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TAR NC Implementation Document – Second Edition September 2017

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