ENTSOG Tariff NC - Implementation Document 2nd Edition

Article 29 and Article 30 have a certain degree of overlap with respect to the publication requirements and the content of the final consultation document. Table 12 compares Article 26 to Articles 29 and 30 together. The information included in the final consultation document is only indicative, and is relevant for a given period- ic consultation conducted at least every five years as from 31 May 2019 which is the deadline for the NRA decision on the first consultation. In contrast, the information for publication before the annual yearly capacity auctions, and before the tariff period, is binding and relevant for a given gas year or tariff period. Effectively, almost all the information included in the final consultation document subsequently ‘converts’ into binding information for publication before the annual yearly capacity auctions and before the tariff period. The latter information also includes other information not mentioned in Article 26. An example is the reserve prices, including multipliers, seasonal factors, interruptible discounts, which are subject to consultation every tariff period under Article 28, and not to periodic consultation under Article 26.

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