ENTSOG Tariff NC - Implementation Document 2nd Edition

Reserve Prices for Capacity Products offered at a VIP

VIP Responsibility: the RPM is subject to consultation per Article 26(1) by TSO/NRA, as NRA decides (VIP reserve price is linked to RPM); subject to decision by NRA


Concept of a VIP

As defined in Article 3(23) of the Amended CAM NC  1) , a VIP is an entry and/or exit point that results from the aggregation of two or more IPs that connect the same two adjacent entry-exit systems for the purposes of providing a single capacity service. Figure 28 shows an example of a simple VIP.

entry-exit system 1

entry-exit system 2

P 1.4 € (MWH/d)

CAP 60


Green IP



CAP 140


Red IP


P 1 € (MWH/d)

CAP 80

Figure 28: A concept of the VIP

According to the Amended CAM NC, where more than one IP connects two adjacent entry-exit systems, the TSOs involved must establish a VIP no later than 1 Novem- ber 2018. When establishing a VIP, TSOs must ensure that its total technical capacity is equal to or higher than the sum of the technical capacities at each of the IPs contributing to the VIP. Additionally, the VIP must facilitate economic and efficient use of the system.

 1) The VIP definition in the Amended CAM NC is equivalent to the VIP definition in the Old CAM NC.

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