ENTSOG TYNDP 2017 - Annex F - Methodology
Annex F Assessment Methodology
N-1 for ESW-CBA (N-1) 4.1.2. 4.1.2 N-1 for ESW-CBA (N-1)
Page 19 of 31 \\ LNG: maxim l technical LNG facility cap c ty (GWh/d) means the sum of the m ximal technical end-out cap cities a all LNG facilities in th calculated country, taking into account critical elements like offloading, ancillary services, temporary storage and re-gasification of LNG as well as technical send-out ca- pacity to the system. \\ I m is the technical capacity of the single largest gas infrastructure (GWh/d) . The single largest gas infrastructure is the largest gas import infrastructure covered either by IP or by LNG that directly or indirectly contributes to the supply of gas to the transmission system(s) of the calculated country. The application of the “lesser of” rule and the analysis on a 20-year time horizon may result in a dif- ferent infrastructure than the one identified by Competent Authorities as part of the Risk Assessment under Regulation (EC) 994/2010. \\ D max is the total daily gas demand (GWh/d) of the calculated area during a day of exceptionally high gas demand, as defined by the 1-day Design Case (DC, Peak) high demand situation. Only in case that a regional formula has been defined and agreed by the Competent Authorities of the corresponding region, the calculation shall be adjusted using the same ESW-CBA data set. The higher the indicator is, the better the resilience. Under REG (EC) 994/2010, this indicator is calculated by the Competent Authority on a two year range. The use of such an indicator within the ESW-CBA will be based on the same formula, using the ESW-CBA data set: − = + + + − ∗ The indicator is calculated for all Infrastructure Levels considered in the respective TYNDP, as well as for a set of Global Scenarios defined within the TYNDP. It is calculated at country level, where: > IP: technical capacity of entry points (GWh/d) , other than production, storage and LNG facilities covered by NP , UGS and LNG , means the sum of technical capacity of all entry points capable of supplying gas to the transmission system(s) of the calculated country. The entry points which are considered are : Cross-Border Import Points from non-EU countries to EU countries Cross-Border Export Points from EU countries to non-EU countries part of the TYNDP perimeter Cross-Border Points between non-EU countries and non-EU-countries part of the TYNDP perimeter Cross-Border Points between EU countries In-Country Points between two distinct Balancing Zones > NP: maximal technical production capability (GWh/d) means the sum of the maximal technical daily production capability of all gas production facilities which can be delivered to the entry points of the transmission system(s) in the calculated country; taking into account their respective physical characteristics. > UGS: maximal storage technical deliverability (GWh/d) means the sum of the maximal technical daily withdrawal capacity of all storage facilities which can be delivered to the entry points of the transmission system(s) in the calculated country, taking into account their respective physical characteristics. > LNG: maximal technical LNG facility capacity (GWh/d) means the sum of the maximal technical send-out capacities at all LNG facilities in the calculated country, taking into account critical elements like offloading, ancillary services, temporary storage and re- gasification of LNG as well as technical send-out capacity to the system. > I m is the technical capacity of the single largest gas infrastructure (GWh/d) . The single largest gas infrastructure is the largest gas import infrastructure covered either by IP Under REG (EC) 994/2010, this indicator is calculated by the Competent Authority on a two year range. The use of such an indicator within the ESW-CBA will be based on the same formula, using the ESW-CBA data set: The indicator is calculated for all Infrastructure Levels considered in the respective TYNDP, as well as for a set of Global Scenarios defined within the TYNDP. It is cal- culated at country level, where: \\ IP: technical capacity of entry points (GWh/d), other than production, storage and LNG facilities covered by NP , UGS and LNG , means the sum of technical capacity of all entry points capable of supplying gas to the transmission system(s) of the calculated country. The entry points which are considered are: – – Cross-Border Import Points from non-EU countries to EU countries – – Cross-Border Export Points from EU countries to non-EU countries part of the TYNDP perimet r – – Cross-Border Points between non-EU countries and non-EU-countries part of the TYNDP perimeter – – Cross-Border Points between EU countries – – In-Country Points between two distinct Balancing Zones \\ NP: maximal technical production capability (GWh/d) means the sum of the maximal technical daily production capability of all gas production f cilities which can be delivered to the entry points of the transmission syst m(s) in the calculated country; taking into account their r spe tive physical characteristics. \\ UGS: maximal storage technical deliverability (GWh/d) means the sum of the maximal technical daily withdrawal capacity of all storage facilities which can be delivered to the entry points of the transmission system(s) in the calculated country, taking into account their respective physical characteristics.
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Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2017 Annex F: Methodology
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