ENTSOG TYNDP 2017 - Annex A2 - Project Details

Current TYNDP : TYNDP 2017 - Annex A

Page 23 of 620

Delay Explanation

Comissioning: 2022 Delays due to postponement of some tender procedures for selection of contractors for the studies.

Expected Gas Sourcing

Caspian Region, Russia, LNG (), Southern gas corridor gas sources; European gas hubs;


Main Driver

Regulation SoS

UGS Chiren has been the only gas storage on the territory of Bulgaria for 40 years. It is a key instrument for the functioning of the gas market in Bulgaria, covering seasonal fluctuations in natural gas consumption in the country by securing the necessary flexibility caused by the differences between the supplies and consumption and ensures emergency reserve. UGS Chiren is a crucial instrument ensuring the security of gas supplies. In the medium term UGS Chiren promises to become a commercial facility with a significant role in competition development in the regional gas market and in provision of additional flexibility of the gas transmission systems at regional level, with a significant contribution to congestion management and seasonal optimization of use of the gas transmission systems. The project for its expansion aims on one hand at creating conditions to ensure security of supplies to Bulgarian users and users in the countries from the region, and on the other - UGS Chiren development as commercial gas storage in an interconnected regional and Europe-wide market, as UGS Chiren is an integral part of the plans for development of the regional gas system consisting of interconnections, LNG terminals, storage facilities.

Main Driver Explanation

Benefit Description

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