ENTSOG TYNDP 2017 - Annex A2 - Project Details
Current TYNDP : TYNDP 2017 - Annex A
Page 152 of 620
General Criteria Fulfilled Specific Criteria Fulfilled
Market Integration, Security of Supply
The project is important for the integration of the Portuguese market at Iberian and European level, improving competition and providing shippers with access to alternative balancing gas. From the point of view of security of supply, the 3rd Interconnection Portugal-Spain is QHFHVVDU\ WR LPSURYH WKH 1 FULWHULRQ IXOILOPHQW 5HJXODWLRQ (& 1 IRU WKH 3RUWXJXHVH QDWXUDO JDV V\VWHP FRQVLGHULQJ WKH WRWDO failure of the most important supply infrastructure of the network - the LNG Terminal in Sines - during a day of exceptionally high gas demand occurring with a statistical probability of once in 20 years, as defined in the Regulation.
Specific Criteria Fulfilled Comments
Expected Gas Sourcing
Algeria, LNG ()
Main Driver Others Main Driver Explanation Integration of the Iberian Peninsula gas market with the rest of Europe Benefit Description
The development of this project is linked to the development of a new interconnection between France and Spain by Spanish infrastructure promoters.
Barrier Type
It would be difficult to carry out an Open Season due to the size of the Portuguese market and the lack of long-term contracts in Portugal. The lack of long term binding commitments from network users cannot guarantee the return of the investment to the Spanish system. It would be difficult to carry out an Open Season due to the size of the Portuguese market and the lack of long-term contracts in Portugal. The lack of long term binding commitments from network users cannot guarantee the return of the investment to the Spanish system.
Lack of market support
Low rate of return
Intergovernmental Agreements
Agreement Description
Is Signed Agreement Signature Date
Commission, France, Portugal and Spain sign High Level Group agreement to break energy barriers
Madrid Declaration
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