ENTSOG TYNDP 2017 - Annex A2 - Project Details

Current TYNDP : TYNDP 2017 - Annex A

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The purpose of the pipeline is to link areas of high demand in Germany and further westwards with liquid gas sources in and through Austria (IP hEHUDFNHUQ %XUJKDXVHQ 3HQWD :HVW :$* 0(*$/ +XE &(*+ %DXPJDUWHQ ,W LQFUHDVHV WKH IORZ FDSDFLW\ EHWZHHQ 1&* DQG WKH $XVWULDQ PDUNHW DUHD DQG therefore contributes to market integration and more competition by diversifying sources and routes. Moreover the pipieline will provide better access of large storages located in Autria (Haidach and 7Fields) to Germany. This connection will contribute to structure and substitute gas supply resulting from the decreasing L-Gas supply in Germany. The project therefore also contributes to Security of Supply. Finally the project serves capacity demands of existing and planned gas fired power plants in Bavaria functioning as a base load capable back up for renewables contributing to the goal of Sustainability in Europe.

Benefit Description

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