ENTSOG TYNDP 2015 - Annex C1 - Country Details


Final gas demand and Power generation  – general methodology Snam Rete Gas has submitted two scenarios for final gas demand; one based on their own assumptions (Scenario B) and a second scenario based on medium term forecasts from the EC publication »EU Energy, transport and GHG Emissions« (Sce- nario A). For gas-fired power generation, the assumptions underlying Scenario B are close to ENTSO-E Vision 1 and Scenario A are more aligned to ENTSO-E Vision 3. The related values have been included in the Scenarios. In both scenarios and for annual and daily demand cases the power generation sector is the one driving the increase in natural gas demand due to a recovery of electricity demand. Compared to Scenario B, Scenario A shows a more moderate increase in annual gas demand due to an expected higher penetration of renewables in the electricity generation sector and for final use (mainly residential) mostly driven by the favour- able economic growth assumed. For the daily power demand, consistent with the methodology developed by ENTSOG, Snam Rete Gas has considered the impact of exceptionally cold condition (1in20) on the electricity system. Both daily peak scenarios highlight a growing role for gas as backup fuel. In absolute terms, gas peak demand shows the same level in both scenarios with a more significant backup contribution in Scenario A, due to the higher level of variable renewables. Both scenarios assume that Italy will meet the 20-20-20 targets. Snam Rete Gas has also provided its own forecasts for the power generation sector. The table below shows annual and daily gas demand for electricity generation, consistent with final gas demand in Scenario B.

Power generation  – Scenario by TSO














242,816 269,915 291,860 299,343 308,324


Final gas demand Only a single non-power generation forecast has been provided, which was based on the assumptions close to the ones defining the Scenario A. Amber Grid has agreed on the following estimates for Scenario B, which correspond to the EU average difference between GREEN and GREY scenario for those TSOs where the GREEN estimates are higher than the GREY estimates: \\ Annual figures: Scenario B estimated as 11% lower than Scenario A \\ Design Case and 14-day Uniform Risk: Scenario B estimated as 8% lower than Scenario A. Power generation  – general methodology Lithuania’s electricity sector is characterized by the absence of coal-fired power gen- eration. Therefore, the general methodology provides a single value for Lithuania’s gas demand for power generation, which is equal to the thermal gap, instead of a demand range. In addition, the evolution of the installed capacity, along with the importance of the electricity cross-border flows, determined the assumptions of the increased load-factor for the »other« installed capacity in order to prevent the estimation of unfeasible thermal gaps.

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Ten Year Network Development Plan 2015 Annex C 1

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