ENTSOG Implementation and Monitoring Report 2017 - Balancing Network Code
2.3.3 Results and analysis
The countries are clustered in the following maps regarding the applied implementation deadlines into cluster 2015 (Map 8 and 9), clus- ter 2016 (Map 10) and cluster 2019 + Estonia (Map 11). In Map 8 below illustrates that the countries applying WDOs (AT 1) , BE/LU and NL) have very limited market imbalances at the end of the gas day. The calculation BAL.3 and BAL.4 concerning Austria needs additional explanation as follows: basically, these results give an indication if rela- tively more gas is sold or bought for a balance zone. As the TSO (in the Market Area East con- cerning Austria it is the Market Area Manager or “MAM”) considers each portfolio of all balance group responsible (or “BGR”). The MAM is al- lowed to buy/sell volumes in the name and for the account of each BGR if the preconditions are fulfilled. These are fulfilled if the amount of a balance group imbalance is higher than 24 MWh, independently if the BGR is long or short. The MAM does not balance long volumes against short volumes within balance groups, so all MAM balancing actions are triggered by bal- ance group responsible’ imbalances. So, if the basis for the calculation of the indicators is a netting of long and short volumes, the results for Austria are not representative as this netting does not make sense due to the fact that the trigger for the balancing actions are different. In the two German market areas the daily net Shipper imbalances (BAL.4) are very limited relatively to the market entry volumes whereas the TSO balancing actions (BAL.3) are impor-
tant. The reason is the mechanism of Variant 2. Shippers do not have any portfolio imbalances for their NDM-customers, but GASPOOL and NCG may have to procure balancing energy when DSOs’ forecasts do not fit to the real de- mand. Shippers net imbalances result only from deviations in their forecast for the IDM-custom- ers. In the NCG market area the limited Linepack in the L-gas grid requires hourly structuring and therefore TSO balancing actions occur every day. In the 5 other countries of cluster 2015 (DK, FR, HU, SI and UK-GB) on Map 9, the net TSO bal- ancing volumes follow mainly the trend of the net shipper imbalances. The 80% of the case box is smaller for the TSO balancing volumes than the one for the market imbalances since TSOs are not taking daily balancing actions whereas the market is daily imbalanced.UK-GB has the smallest extreme value (between 3.5 and 4.5%), followed by HU and PEG Nord (6 to 9% of imbalance of the market or of the TSO’s actions).DK, TRS and SI have larger maximal or minimal values; for market position, it goes from 13% (TRS), to 17% (SI) and up to 28% (DK).
When Slovenian market is short, the extreme im- balance is greater than when the market is long.
Map 10 next page presents the results of the cluster 2016 countries.
CZ and PT have the smallest imbalance volumes followed by Spain (except when the market is short, the maximal imbalance is large). Then, HR and IT have usually imbalances of the market and TSO actions smaller than 5% of the daily market entry volume.
1) A yearly comparison for Austria has to be done with the restriction that the data for the actual report only cover 8 months, namely the period from 1 st October 2016 to 31 st May 2017.
25 %
5% 0%
– 5%
– 15%
– 25%
– 35%
AT Market position
AT TSO action
BE/LU-H Market position
BE/LU-H TSO action
BELUX-L Market position
BELUX-L TSO action
GASPOOL Market position
NCG Market position
NCG TSO action
NL Market position
NL TSO action
Map 8: Cluster 2015 countries: Daily BAL.4 vs. BAL.3 for countries applying WDOs
ENTSOG BAL NC Implementation and Effect Monitoring Report 2017 | 57
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