ENTSOG Implementation and Monitoring Report 2017 - Balancing Network Code

2.2.2 Presentation of the results

In Map 1 an example of BAL.2 in a graph with explanations is provided below.

balancing actions is indicated per balancing zone/country in Annex II.The table in Annex III presents the yearly volume trade per TSO, the market entry volume and the percentage of TSO gas traded compared to the market volume. The table in Annex IV presents the yearly volume trade per TSO, the domestic consumption and the percentage of TSO gas traded compared to the domestic consumption.

The countries are clustered in the following maps regarding the applied implementation deadlines into cluster 2015 (Map 2), cluster 2016 (Map 3) and cluster 2019 + Estonia (Map 4). Annex I present the size of each balancing zones (total market entry volume and domestic end-consumption) for information.The total number of gas days when a TSO is taking




On remaining 10% of the days the total TSO balancing volumes relative to the market entry volume of a balancing zone (BAL.2) have a range between 17% and max. of 20%.

On 80% of the days when TSO is performing balancing actions during the gas day, the total TSO balancing volumes relative to the market entry volume of a balancing zone (BAL.2) have a range between 9% and 17%.



On remaining 10% of the days the total TSO balancing volumes relative to the market entry volume of a balancing zone (BAL.2) have a range between min. of 5% and 9%.




Balancing zone (no. of days with TSO bal.action)

Map 1:  Example of BAL.2 indicator on days with TSO balancing actions in GY 2016/2017

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