ENTSOG Implementation and Monitoring Report 2017 - Balancing Network Code

For the cluster 2019 when we were able to calculate an evolution, we have seen than LT, SE, IE, UK-NI and PL-H have reduced their daily traded volume and/or the number of trading/ balancing days. Only the Greek figures are in- creasing. Cluster 2016 countries show a similar behavior as cluster 2015 countries which do not have WDOs in place. A correlation between daily shipper imbalances and the behavior of the TSO is visible. TSO actions are smaller in volume and in occurrence since they are able to handle some imbalances in their system before having to take a balancing action. A new indicator BAL 5 present the real cost of being balanced by the TSO for some balancing zones. This real cost is slightly greater than the small adjustment. It is on purpose in order to incentive the shippers to balance themselves. Indeed, it will be risky for them to take the small adjustment as a proxy of the cost of being balanced by the TSOs in their arbitrage/risk analysis. The report also presents a synthetic indicator: the yearly volume for balancing actions.

Image courtesy of Net4Gas

ENTSOG BAL NC Implementation and Effect Monitoring Report 2017 | 45

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