ENTSOG Implementation and Monitoring Report 2017 - Balancing Network Code
3 Conclusion NC BAL has been applicable since 1 October 2015 but allows its application to be postponed until 1 October 2016. Instead of full implementation, interim measures can be implemented for up to five years 1) from the entry into force of the Code (i. e. until 16 April 2019) while all the other provisions in the BAL NC shall be imple- mented by 1 October 2015.
15 countries (AT, BE/LU, CZ, DE, DK, ES, FR, HR, HU, IT, NL, PT, SI, UK-GB) have fully imple- mented the NC BAL while 11 countries (BG, DE, EL, IE, LT, LV, PL, RO, SE, SK and UK-NI) applied for interim measures until April 2019. 19 countries indicated having implemented the merit order in accordance with Art. 9 with title products at the first place or using only title products whereas 7countries rely only on balancing services. 20 countries have put in place an information model for daily and non-daily metered off-takes: 12 uses the Base Case model, 6 the Variant 1 and 2 countries Variant 2. Two countries are still discussing implementation whereas two other countries said that is not necessary since they do not have NDM off-takes connected to their network. Estonia has not chosen yet since they are still holding a derogation. The cost benefit analysis (CBA) deadline regard- ing the information provisions passed in April 2016 and only 7 countries reported that this CBA has been complete. Within-day obligations and Linepack Flexibility Service are still used only by a few countries. However, of the five countries that have already implemented WDOs, two countries stated a change which reduces WDO obligation. Still five countries reported to have offered Linepack flexibility service by 1 October 2017. 11 countries have applied interim measures (balancing platform, balancing services, interim daily imbalance charge and/or tolerances). Some countries have or will reduce progressively the level of their tolerances. The remaining challenge regarding the implementation of the Code will be this ordered removal of interim measures.
The following two planned cross-border merges of balancing zones may help to solve this lack of market liquidity for the countries using interim measures:
\\ Between Denmark and Sweden, subject to NRAs’ agreement, in April 2019,
\\ Among the three Baltic States (joint maybe by Finland) by 2020.
1) And additional 5 years for the case of the interim measure of a balancing platform, pursuant to Article 47(3) of the NC.
ENTSOG BAL NC Implementation and Effect Monitoring Report 2017 | 29
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