ENTSOG Implementation and Monitoring Report 2017 - Balancing Network Code
Image courtesy of Gasum
Publication of updated interim imbalance report
Greece stated that the tolerances have been reduced down from +/− 10% to +/− 3% as of 1 January 2018, according to the provisions of the Network Code, and will be eliminated by April 2019. Latvia stated that current procure- ment ends on the 31 October 2018, until that time STSP product usage on exchange will be evaluated. Exchange exists in region, however li- quidity is low, therefore creating balancing plat- form, would be additional unneeded expenses, and until liquidity increase it was decided to pro- cure balancing services. They have planned to implement from the 1 November 2018 a toler- ance of 5% of entry-allocation. Poland is going to reduce the tolerance by 1 t April 2018 from 5% to 2,5%. UK-NI stated that the design of the Balancing Services tender process will aim to encourage market liquidity by encouraging par- ticipation and trade at the NI BP and should end by 1 October 2020.
Implementation of interim measures requires publishing the first interim measures report approved by the NRA and as well as any subsequent updated reports, if necessary on an annual basis. On 1 October 2017 the following countries have published their updated interim measures reports (BG, DE, PL, RO, SK and UK-NI).
Plans to remove interim measures
According to BAL NC provisions, TSO should identify the steps that will be taken to remove the interim measures, including the criteria for making these steps and for an assessment of the related timing. All countries foresee the usage of interim measures until April 2019 (except DE and UK-NI). Bulgaria stated that they plan to reduce toler- ance from 5% to 3% and to remove it in 2019. Germany stated that both MAMs have decided to terminate the use of the locational commodity products on the balancing platform by 1 January 2018. As a consequence, the application of interim measures will end on that date.
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ENTSOG BAL NC Implementation and Effect Monitoring Report 2017
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