ENTSOG Gas Regional Investment Plan South 2017 - Main Report
3.2 Demand Scenarios
In this section, it will be shown the most updated trend of the long-term demand scenarios for the South Region, and an analysis of deviations in comparison with the long-term forecast scenarios included in the TYNDP 2017 will be developed. For power generation, it was used data from ENTSO-E TYNDP 2016 during the development process to create consistent scenarios. Each scenario of TYNDP 2017 is linked to demand for power generation relevant to the Visions (ENTSO-E TYNDP 2016).
ENTSOG Scenario
ENTSO-E Vision
IEA Scenario
Vision 1
WEO 2015 Current Policies
Slow Progression
Vision 3
WEO 2015 New Policies
Blue Transition
Vision 4
WEO 2015 450
Green Evolution
Vision 4
WEO 2015 450
EU Green Revolution
Table 3.1: ENTSOG scenarios vs ENTSO-E visions (Source: ENTSOG TYNDP 2017 data)
Image courtesy of Reganosa
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Gas Regional Investment Plan of the South Region 2017
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