ENTSOG Gas Regional Investment Plan South 2017 - Main Report

The annual demand in the South Region represents approximately 19% of the total European gas demand. When focusing on the South Region, it appears that France represents 55% of the demand, Spain 39% and Portugal 6%, as shown in Figures 3.3 and 3.4.




France Portugal Spain EU

France Portugal Spain







Figure 3.3: Share of each country in Europe’s total gas demand, 2015 (Source: ENTSOG TYNDP 2017 data)

Figure 3.4: Share of each country in South Region’s total gas demand, 2015 (Source: ENTSOG TYNDP 2017 data)

The demand for natural gas can be split down into two distinct sectors: \\ The conventional sector includes Industrial, Commercial, Residential and Cogeneration (CHP) demand, which is called in this chapter final demand; \\ Gas for power generation includes natural gas demand for power generation. This sector comprises combined cycle gas turbines (CCGT) in Portugal and Spain, while it includes also combustion turbines (TAC) in France. These two sectors have specific characteristics. The conventional sector is, globally, much more linked to climatic conditions (for residential and commercial sector). Demand in the power sector is generally less linked to climate in the Iberian Peninsula, while in France CCGTs play a role in winter electricity peaks. In the South Region, the conventional sector (Residential + Commercial + Industrial) represented 89% of the total gas demand in 2015 and 86% in 2016. This breakdown of the demand varies from one country to another (Figure 3.5).

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Gas Regional Investment Plan of the South Region 2017

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