ENTSOG Gas Regional Investment Plan South 2017 - Main Report
Since this GRIP report has been developed in concomitance with TYNDP 2017, it shares the same principles in transparency and reliability. In July 2016, once the collection and validation of the TYNDP input data was over, a workshop was organised by ENTSOG in order to offer an overview on information related to scenarios, domestic production long-term gas quality outlook, capacity, demand and projects reported to TYNDP, making all this data publically available on ENTSOG website. This data was used for the development of both TYNDP 2017 and this GRIP edition. Regarding the contents of this GRIP, the first chapters of this report contain the description and analysis of the supply, the demand, the market and the projects identified in the South Region. Project needs of the gas system in the South Region are explained in the evaluation of the South Region chapter. On one hand, an assessment of the gas system at a low infrastructure level is carried out through a deep analysis of the main results included in the Network Assessment chapter of the TYNDP 2017. On the other hand, a focus is made on the projects which are remedy to the needs detected in that assessment, at both high and advanced infrastructures levels, as well as on Projects of Common Interest (PCI) in the Region.
Image courtesy of Enagás
Gas Regional Investment Plan of the South Region 2017 | 13
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