ENTSOG Gas Regional Investment Plan South 2017 - Main Report
Access to supply sources in Low infrastructure scenario (EU Green Revolution Scenario), 2017 (left), 2020 (middle), 2030 (right) 105 Access to supply sources in the PCI and High infrastructure scenario (EU Green Revolution Scenario). 2017 (left), 2020 (middle), 2030 (right) 105 CSSD-NO, Green Revolution, Low and PCI/High infrastructure level, whole year 106 CSSD-NO, Blue Transition, Low and PCI/High infrastructure level, whole year 106 CSSD-RU, Green Revolution, low and PCI/high infrastructure level, whole year 107 CSSD-RU, Blue transition, low and PCI/high infrastructure level, whole year 107 CSSD-LNG, Green Revolution, Low and PCI/High infrastructure level, whole year 108 CSSD-LNG Blue Transition, Low and PCI/High infrastructure level, whole year 109
Import Route Diversification, Low infrastructure level (2020) 110
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Gas Regional Investment Plan of the South Region 2017 | 115
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