ENTSOG Gas Regional Investment Plan South 2017 - Main Report
In 2035 in Blue Transition scenario, for the low and the PCI cluster there is still LNG dependency in the Iberian Peninsula, as Algerian supply reaches its maximum. In both Green Evolution and Green Revolutions scenarios, meaning lower demand, Algerian supply does not reach its maximum, in Low and PCI scenarios. In lower demand scenarios, the LNG dependency in the Iberian Peninsula is lower. The dependence to LNG should be considered different to the dependence to a pipeline source, as the LNG is a multi-source supply. This multi-source nature is shown in the Supply chapter.
2017 Low
2020 Low
2030 Low
2017 PCI / High
2020 PCI / High
2030 PCI / High
2%– 15%
26%– 50%
> 50%
16%– 25%
< 2%
Figure 7.25: CSSD-LNG Blue Transition, Low and PCI/High infrastructure level, whole year (Source: TYNDP 2017)
Gas Regional Investment Plan of the South Region 2017 | 109
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