ENTSOG Gas Regional Investment Plan South 2017 - Main Report
According to TYNDP 2017 results, there is some dependence to Russian gas in the South Region. Nevertheless, the dependence to Russian gas in the South Region reduces in 2030, mainly due to the higher availability of LNG. Consequently, the dependency of the South Region to the Norwegian and Russian gas is not relevant in all scenarios.
2017 Low
2020 Low
2030 Low
2017 Low
2020 Low
2030 Low
2%– 15%
26%– 50%
> 50%
16%– 25%
CSSD-RU < 2%
2%– 15%
26%– 50%
Figure 7.22: CSSD-RU, Green Revolution, low and PCI/high infrastructure level, whole year (Source: TYNDP 2017)
> 50%
16%– 25%
< 2%
2017 Low
2020 Low
2030 Low
2017 Low
2020 Low
2030 Low
2%– 15%
26%– 50%
> 50%
16%– 25%
CSSD-RU < 2%
2%– 15%
26%– 50%
Figure 7.23: CSSD-RU, Blue transition, low and PCI/high infrastructure level, whole year (Source: TYNDP 2017)
> 50%
16%– 25%
< 2%
Gas Regional Investment Plan of the South Region 2017 | 107
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