7.4 Investments in the Southern area of the Region This paragraph covers further infrastructure enhance- ments in the southern area of the Region, additional to Snam Rete Gas transmission network developments (“Support to the North West market and bidirectional cross-border flows” projects) already described in the previous chapter 6. Other key projects for Snam Rete Gas transmission network enhancement addition- al to “Support for the North West market and bidirectional cross-border flows” pro- jects and having a Regional relevance, also in terms of potential interlinks between South-North Corridor and other Regions are the following initiatives: \\ Development for new imports from the South \\ “Development for new imports from the South” (TRA-N-007; included in PCI list with code 6.18): Snam Rete Gas, in line with the findings of SEN (National Energy Strategy), considers the development of new imports from the south, a strategic element to enable greater diversification of energy sources, so as to increase the competitiveness of the gas market and provide greater security to the entire national transmission system. Snam Rete Gas has therefore planned the construction of a project that will cre- ate new transmission capacity of approximately 24MSm³/d (equivalent to around 264GWh/d) to facilitate gas from future entry points in the south. The project includes the construction of an approximately 430km-long new pipeline and a compression plant of approximately 33MW (Sulmona compres- sor station 1) ), along the south-north line, known as the “Adriatic Line". The Adriatic Line is functional to transport quantities of gas from any new sourcing initiatives from Sicily and from the middle Adriatic. The Adriatic Line can be seen as a development that has the character of generality and allows the system of gas supply to new Italian imports to be set up, such as the projects of TAP and ITGI and a new LNG plant in Sicily (Porto Empedocle). The Adriatic Line is included in the list of Projects of Common Interest and in the Snam Rete Gas ten-year plan. The upgrade work required for the transport of new quantities of gas is currently under feasibility study and the commissioning of the entire project is scheduled for 2019. \\ “Import developments from North-East” (TRA-N-008): the project involves the realization of new pipelines to increase the transmission capacity from the northeast, and the connection of a regasification terminal in the northern Adri- atic Region. The construction of an LNG terminal in the northern Adriatic area is included in the PCI list, and the connection to the national network is includ- ed in the Snam Rete Gas ten-year plan. \\ Import developments from North-East \\ Additional Southern developments These three new projects are currently planned with commissioning date between 2019 and 2021 and will involve the development of around 1,400km of new pipe- lines and the installation of around 300MW of new compression capacity.

1) The construction of Sulmona CS has been approved to improve the reliability and safety of the transport and also in relation to the expected increase in withdrawal capacity planned for the Stogit storage field of Fiume Treste.

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South-North Corridor GRIP 2014–2023

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