Belgium. The initiatives are framed according to their PCI status, with an evaluation of the benefits generated in terms of criteria identified as relevant for projects of common interest by Regulation EC 347/2013. \\ Other TSO transmission projects: further main transmission investments with Regional relevance are presented according to a project-based approach and gathered according to the involved countries and relevant associated TSOs. \\ Network Modelling: developed in cooperation with ENTSOG, this new section aims at analyzing modelling results relevant in particular for the South-North Corridor. The use of the ENTSOG Network Modelling tool was combined with updated inputs compared to the Community-wide TYNDP 2013–2022 and an innovative set of scenarios. Special attention has been granted in this 2  nd SNC GRIP to stakeholder's feedbacks and the way to accommodate their requests. In this view, several enhancements have been introduced, and in particular: \\ A more detailed analysis of supply sources and infrastructural elements, now presented not only according to a status quo situation but including also a prospective, planning sub-section 1) . \\ A deeper study of demand components, future trends, additional gas hubs information, including the increasing degree of price correlation among them, and finally an analysis of the relevant Interconnection Points in the Region. \\ The inclusion of two completely new sections: a first one regarding power generation, highlighting in particular RES can grow only in a consolidated way with natural gas, and a second section related to simulations and network modelling studies, tailored on South-North Corridor evolutions. \\ Finally, the core-sections related to transmission projects have been enriched with links to their PCI status and the benefits brought to European market integration. ENHANCEMENTS OF THIS SECOND SNC GRIP EDITION

1) The development of this section has been possible on the basis of a data collection process organized by ENTSOG in Q3 2013 and further integrated by co-authors on the basis of the latest available information, in particular national development plans.

Image courtesy of GRTgaz

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South-North Corridor GRIP 2014–2023

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