7.3 Investments in the Eastern area of the Region

On 1 April 2014 the German TSOs submitted the draft German Network Development Plan 2014 (Draft NDP 2014) to the German regulator BNetzA 1) . In this draft NDP 2014, Germany's gas transmission system opera- tors (TSOs) present the results of their latest network modelling complete with findings from public consul­ tation and a determination of long-term capacity needs, in order to meet the requirements of the German Energy Law (Energiewirtschaftsgesetz, EnWG) and the German Network Access Code (Gasnetzzugangs­ verordnung). This third issue is based on the scenario framework which after public consultation was confirmed by the German national regulatory agency Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA) on 16 October 2013. As proposed by TSOs, network development will require investments of approxi- mately €1.8bn by 2019 and a total of €3.1bn by 2024. In general, the current plan confirms the findings published in the previous NDP 2013. For the period ending 2024 the new NDP has identified the need for addition- al network upgrades mainly resulting from: \\ More specific information on L/H gas market conversion needs Under the confirmed scenario framework these needs will much exceed the last NDP, the changes resulting from an extension of the period under review and current findings regarding detailed market conversion schedules. \\ A rise in demand for H gas supplies Additional volumes of H gas to substitute L gas require further improvements of the gas infrastructure to carry these quantities to Regions in need. \\ Greater capacity required for gas storages The significant increase in capacities to be considered and modifications to temperatures curves have added to the need for upgrades. Security of supply considerations in the NDP 2014 have focused on L/H gas market conversion and resulted in a detailed proposal for the gradual conversion of areas now supplied with L gas to H gas. In addition, the availability of L gas until 2030 has been investigated. For the period ending 2024 the NDP 2014 has made allowance for the additional H gas volumes needed and allocated them to specific H gas supply sources as spec- ified in the scenario framework. Providing an infrastructure in Germany that can take these volumes to the conversion zones is part of the proposed NDP project list. In both the gas and power sectors, gas-fired power stations are vital to maintaining today’s high supply security. From a macroeconomic perspective, the dynamic capacity product specially designed for these plants by German TSOs in the NDP 2013 has the potential to meet the needs of this difficult to predict market.

1) Reference: Draft of the German TSOs for the German NDP 2014: http://www.fnb-gas.de/files/nep_gas_2014_entwurf_2014-04-01.pdf

South-North Corridor GRIP 2014–2023 |


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