The infrastructure base described in the opening part of this Report is the fundamental prerequisite for a sound growth of the gas markets grouped in the Re- gion. In fact, a well-developed transmission network provides the physical structure for linking the national market areas and, at the same time, it enables to share the flexibility potential provided by storage and LNG installations. The Report provides hereby a brief assessment of some relevant market elements aimed at highlighting the relevance of the Region, both in terms of market size and of development of competitive dynamics. The first part of the chapter provides a description of the main demand features, in terms of both historic and forecasted trends. The second section of this chapter focuses on market indicators, following Regional hub developments (in terms of traded volumes and, if available, number of trans­ actions) and closing with a price correlation analysis. The third and last section of the Chapter introduces an analysis of the relevant Inter- connection Points (IPs) of the Region, providing information on capacity booking and use.

3.1 Historic Demand  1)

The Regional aggregated gas consumption in 2013 accounted for approximately half of the overall EU gas consumption. The near equivalent Italian and German fig- ures add up to more than a third of the EU gas needs, while France and Belgium add another 14% to the European requirements. The Swiss share is less than 1%. In absolute terms, the Regional annual demand amounted to about 2,412TWh in 2013 (equal to around 228 billion cubic meters) compared to the total EU annual gas consumption of about 4,946TWh (around 467 billion cubic meters).

CH 1% BE 4%

FR 10%

IT 15%




DE 19%

Rest of EU-28


Figure 3.1: Relative Weight of Regional gas demand in 2013

1) ENTSOG (demands of Denmark and Ireland for year 2013 were not available at the date of writing this section; therefore, replacement data related to 2012 have been used)

South-North Corridor GRIP 2014–2023 |


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