ENTSOG GRIP SC 2017-2026 / Annex B - Project Information

Current TYNDP : TYNDP 2017 - Annex A

Page 230 of 620

Delays in the implementation/start up of new regional interconnection infrastructure (IGB/IBS) and upgrade of existing ones including reverse flow availability. The most critical one is the Interconnector Grece-Bulgaria (IGB). Also, availability of capacity in the greek, bulgarian and romanian Transmission Systems and reverse flow capacity in Trans Balkan will enable flows from the Terminal (through the assorted pipeline) to Ukraine. Finally, reverse flow functionality to the Turkey-Greece Interconnector will open up the Turkish market to the Project. Regarding financing: The Project received grants for studies (from the 1st CEF Energy Call-August 2014) and will apply for works in a future Call from CEF. Award of such Public financing will be critical for the Project's commercial viability. Also access to EIB, EBRD, EFSI, IFC PCI favourable financing tools is very important for the Project. The markets in SEE are not mature. Currently all gas transactions are done in a bilateral basis and no price transparency exists. Creation of a trading hub in the region with multiple supply options will generate significant opportunities for the marketing of gas imported through the LNG Alexandroupolis floating terminal (that the pipeline will be connected to). The Project has been awarded with grants for studies (CEF 2014 Call) and will aply for grants for works (in the next Calls) from the CEF. Award of such Public financing will be critical for the Project's commercial viability. Also access to EIB, EBRD, EFSI, IFC PCI favourable financing tools is very important for the Project.





Lack of market maturity


Availability of funds and associated conditions

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Southern Corridor GRIP 2017–2026 Annex B |


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