ENTSOG GRIP BEMIP 2014-2023 / Main Report
Activity / Responsibilities
Status end 2013
Target dates
Interconnection between Denmark and Poland
The gas demand and the outlook of the level of security of supply in Denmark and Sweden with regard to the possible supply from LNG terminal in Świnoujście in combination with Baltic Pipe should be assessed by competent authorities in the framework of the new SoS Regulation (risk assessment, action plans), and the development in the axis Germany-Poland. The "Competent authorities" as pointed out in the new SoS Regulation are responsible for this action. The issue appropriate allocation of tariffs when trans- porting gas through a series of systems could be ad- dressed by ACER and ENTSOG in the work with Frame- work Guidelines for Tariff Harmonisation and the subsequent network codes. The National competent authorities, ACER and ENTSOG are responsible for this action. When implementing the third package provision on tar- iff the issue of risk sharing between TSOs and shippers in the light of long-term infrastructure investments and short- / medium-term capacity bookings could be analysed by ACER and ENTSOG, likewise the EC could pay attention to this aspect in the work with the Energy Infrastructure package. ACER, ENTSOG, EC are responsible for this action. The commercial parties should re-investigate the mar- ket potential of Baltic pipe. If no strong commercial in- terest confirmed, its contribution to the regional secu- rity of supplies and market integration should be fully assessed by the EC. The results should be discussed by competent authorities with the aim to see which further measures are needed. The potential role of the Energy Infrastructure Package in this respect is noted. The commercial parties are responsible for this action.
12 / 2012
The process is still ongoing.
ENTSOG started the work on the Tariff Network Code at the beginning of 2014.
12 / 2011
Implementation is ongoing.
GAZ-SYSTEM is conducting the preparatory works re- garding the Baltic Pipe project. A dialogue with Energi- net.dk is taking place with regard to the future devel- opment of the project.
Table 3.2: Status of actions undertaken since West Baltic Task Force was adopted
Table 3.2 confirms gradual development of priorities set out by the West Baltic TF in the recent years. In this period a number of new projects were put into operation, such as the introduction of virtual and physical reverse flow on the Yamal –Europe pipeline, the upgrade of PL–DE interconnection in Lasów or the extension of DE–DK interconnection in Ellund. The importance and positive effects linked to subsequent projects aimed at inte grating the gas transmission networks between Poland, Denmark and Sweden was underpinned in the PCI selection process in 2013. It needs to be noted that the project, namely Baltic Pipe is currently at relatively early stage of development and its eventual implementation depends, to a large extend, on market signals and regulatory framework. Currently both do not favour an investment decision.
Baltic Energy Market Interconnection Plan GRIP 2014–2023 | 63
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