ENTSOG GRIP BEMIP 2014-2023 / Main Report
3.1 Analysis of Interoperability of Gas Infrastructure Projects of the Eastern-Baltic cluster proposed in relation to Projects of Common Interest list in BEMIP region and Joint Preventive Action Plan of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland In order to facilitate the development of PCIs TEN-E Regulation provides for estab- lishment of close cooperation between TSOs of interlinked projects and carrying out consultations with the TSOs from the Member States to which the project provides a significant net positive impact. In order to meet these provisions as well as gain information for preparation of the Joint Preventive Action Plan and GRIP, TSOs of Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania at their joint meeting on 1 February 2013 in Riga, Latvia, decided to establish the East-Baltic TSO Working Group. The Working Group had 6 meetings. The TSOs represented at this Working Group were AS EG Võrguteenus (Estonia), AB Amber Grid (Lithuania) (AB Lietuvos Dujos until 31 July 2013), Gasum Oy (Finland) and AS Latvijas Gāze (Latvia). Working Group agreed to carry out the study Analy- sis of interoperability of gas infrastructure projects of the Eastern-Baltic cluster proposed in relation to Projects of Common Interest list in BEMIP region and the Joint Preventive Action Plan of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland (the Study). Following the suggestion of AS Latvijas Gāze and taking into consideration the time constrains for preparation of this analysis, the members of the Working Group agreed to charge with this task a long-term technical consultant of AS Latvijas Gāze – Olimps Ltd. All regional TSOs have been extensively consulted during the pre paration of the analysis. The results of analysis were presented to the representatives of ministries and national regulatory authorities from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland on 30 August 2013. For purpose of market analysis East-Baltic TSOs agreed on market data to be used for further assessment for each country and the whole region. During consultation process, agreement was reached also on particular scenarios, including, supply and disruption scenarios. Finally, the East-Baltic TSOs Working Group jointly prepared and expressed consent to the findings and con clusions of the Study. In particular, the following projects are assessed in the Study: \\ cluster of complementary and interdependent projects Infrastructure upgrade in the Eastern Baltic region (capacity enhancement of Latvia –Lithuania interconnection, enhancement of Estonia-Latvia interconnection, capacity en- hancement of Klaipeda–Kiemenai pipeline in Lithuania, modernization and expansion of Inčukalns Underground Gas Storage); \\ cluster of competing projects LNG supply in the Eastern Baltic Region (inter- connection between Estonia and Finland Balticconnector, regional Finngulf LNG or Paldiski LNG or Tallinn LNG or LNG terminal in Latvia). Based on the study carried out by Booz&co on the most favorable location of the regional LNG terminal in the East-Baltic region only option of LNG terminal in the Gulf of Finland (Finland or Estonia), in particular, Finngulf LNG terminal and Paldiski LNG terminal were assessed. In addition, impact of interconnection be- tween Poland and Lithuania (GIPL) on the East-Baltic region also was analysed.
Baltic Energy Market Interconnection Plan GRIP 2014–2023 | 49
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